Tanya and Dax
Tanya and Dax have three lovely children. The eldest, Joshua, was born in 2011 and was diagnosed with Down Syndrome shortly after birth.
Joshua is a cheeky, happy, lovely boy and is loved and adored by all of his family and friends. He is gaining independence and attends Parkwood Hall School in Swanley.
Tanya says, "We have been attending the BDSSG since Joshua was around 2 months old and I sought out a support network. Having a group of people to share experiences and tips with is invaluable and there is a great sense of community and support. I am always happy to speak to any new parents."

The Burger Family
Married to Craig, we have 2 amazing daughters Lauren 19 and Zoe 17.
I was 37 when Zoe was born she came into the world by emergency C-Section in September 2004. The next day in the afternoon we were met by the paediatrician to tell us Zoes diagnosis of Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21).
We have been part of the Bromley support group for 16 years and know how important a support network is to families. We meet regularly to share experiences and give advice and support to one another. We have met and made wonderful friends along the way.

Helpful Information
General Information
The Down’s Syndrome Association https://www.downs-syndrome.org.uk/
Positive About Down Syndrome (PADS) is a website by parents for parents and parents-to-be giving a full and realistic picture of life with Down syndrome. https://positiveaboutdownsyndrome.co.uk/
Mencap works to improve the lives of people with a learning disability through services, projects and campaigns on a national and local level. https://www.mencap.org.uk/ and https://www.bromleymencap.org.uk/
The Down’s Syndrome Research Foundation UK is the UK’s only Down Syndrome research charity. Their vision is a long, healthy, happy life for people with DS and their families. https://www.dsrf-uk.org/
Down Syndrome Education International works to improve early intervention and education for children with Down Syndrome around the world. Their See and Learn resources are excellent for developing our children’s reading, phonic, speech and number skills. https://www.down-syndrome.org/en-gb/
Teach Me Too is an online library of 40 short educational videos and accompanying learning resources, all designed around the specific learning profile of children with Down syndrome. https://www.teachmetoo.org.uk/teach-me-too
Special iApps was founded by parents of a young man with DS and publishes award-winning educational apps designed to support children with special educational needs, including Autism and Down Syndrome. https://www.specialiapps.org/en
The Makaton Charity has excellent signing resources as many people with Down Syndrome use Makaton signing to support their communication. https://www.makaton.org/
Symbol Connect provides a wealth of services for children and adults with learning disabilities, and particularly Down Syndrome, such as speech and language assessments, holiday camps and community support. https://symbolconnect.co.uk/
LETS Go! provides specialist consultancy services for children with Down syndrome. They offer Down syndrome specific training, information, support and services for families, education providers, professionals and organisations. http://www.letsgouk.org/
The Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group is a network of medical professionals whose aim is to ensure that all people with Down syndrome in the UK and Republic of Ireland receive the necessary medical care equitably. Their website is aimed at medical professionals but is a great resource for parents and carers too. https://www.dsmig.org.uk/
The Global Down Syndrome Foundation (GLOBAL) is part of a network of affiliate organizations that work closely together to significantly improve the lives of people with Down syndrome through Research, Medical Care, Education, and Advocacy. https://www.globaldownsyndrome.org/
Local Organisations
The Bromley Local offer helps children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families in the Borough to find the information and support they can access. https://www.bromley.gov.uk/info/10122/children_and_young_adults_with_disabilities_and_learning_needs
Bromley Parent Voice is a voluntary group of parents and carers of children and young people (0-25) with special/additional needs and disabilities (SEND) living in the London Borough of Bromley that provides support and advocacy for other parents. https://www.bromleyparentvoice.org.uk/
Bromley Maternity Voices is an independent group funded by Bromley NHS CCG that is made up of people who have used maternity services and those medical professionals that support women. https://www.bromleyccg.nhs.uk/Bromley%20Maternity%20Voices
Singing Hands use music and Makaton to engage young people of all ages. They produce great resources and have a fun Youtube channel. https://singinghands.co.uk/
Buzzers Academies run holiday camps and SEND sports sessions, among other sports activities. They are inclusive and can arrange 1:1 support at their holiday camps, should your child need it. https://www.buzzersbromley.co.uk/services
Magpie Dance is the UK’s leading dance charity for people with learning disabilities. Through dance, participants gain life, social and communication skills with added health and wellbeing benefits. https://www.magpiedance.org.uk/about-us/
Crystal Palace provides young footballers with Down Syndrome the opportunity to participate in weekly coaching sessions with like-minded young people of similar abilities. https://www.dsactive.org.uk/football-session/crystal-palace/
Charlton Upbeats is a free programme open to children, young people and adults with Down Syndrome. The Upbeats are nine times Down Syndrome Active national champions and also play in the Kent Adult Disability League. https://cact.org.uk/what-we-do/early-help-and-prevention/skills-for-life/charlton-upbeats
Where your difference, makes no difference to us. SEN holiday club. clink on link to find out more.
For Professionals
BDSSG has worked with the University of Greenwich Midwifery Society and the Maternity Service at the Princess Royal University Hospital in Orpington to deliver education sessions to both student midwives and qualified professionals. If you are a medical professional or work in healthcare and would like the BDSSG to provide education and training about Down Syndrome to facilitate positive engagement with individuals with DS, prospective parents and families, please email us at bromleydssg@gmail.com.
BDSSG are happy to work with schools and education settings, if you would like us to provide eduaction advice, please email us at bomleydssg@gmail.com