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Support Us


There are lots of ways you can help us with fundraising. 

Facebook, Go Fund Me or some sponsorship ideas on behalf of the Charity, like sponsored walks, running 5k even a marathon!, Cake sales, charity golf tournaments, bungee jumps to sky dives..
Please contact us if you are interested in fundraising for the charity and need any help. 

Easy Fundraising

Please register on the Easy Fundraising site, under cause name Bromley DSSG, where a donation to our charity will be made for your purchases brought online, at no cost to you. Register here. )



Employer Initiatives

Easy Fundraisng added to your computers, so when purchase for company you are helping the charity. A work team building exercise with the Charity as a benefiary., Sky Dives, Bungee Jumps Golf Days, Swimathons, there are lots of fun and thrilling ways and ideas for your workplace to get involved in, and believe us when we say that every little bit of help is appreciated and counts.

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